
Accident Scene Does & Don’ts

Accident Scene Does & Don'ts

Accident Scene Does & Don’ts. Recently I heard about a horrible wreck n Pennsylvania. An entire family was in an accident. They were in the medium and stepped out of their vehicle. They wondered close the road and were hit by a tractor Trailer and killed. This should have never happened. Accident Scene Does & Don’ts

When in an accident there are certain protocols to follow, for your safety. Know when to exit your vehicle and when you should remain in the vehicle. Tune in and hear this weeks episode of TalkCDL Trucking Podcast.

Truck Driver Mailed A Rattlesnake

You were not imagining the title of this article. Yes, a rattlesnake was mailed to a trucker and it was alive. Tune in and hear the results. Accident Scene Does & Don’ts

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