
Flip Flop Truckers & Mountain Grades Explained

Flip Flop Truckers & Mountain Grades Explained

Flip Flop Truckers & Mountain Grades Explained. Are you a truck driver? Do you wear flip Flops while driving your semi truck? If you do, then you don’t want to miss the next episode of TalkCDL trucking Podcast

We sat down and talked about the argument that has been going on. That argument is all about flip flops on truckers. Some say its illegal, some say it shows no class but what do you say? Do you agree truckers should be able to drive with whatever shoe attire they choose? Or do you believe a trucker should look a certain part and wear certain shoes on their feet? Tune in this week, its gonna be a wold ride.

Mountain Grade Explained

Did you know that interstate grades and highway grades are not limited to the same maximum grade? Do you understand what a grade is and how the authorities judge a grade? TalkCDL will explain all that there is need to know, when it comes to mountain grades on Americas interstates and highways.

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast at the Louisville Truck Show

Thats right, talkCDL will be at the big truck show this year in Louisville KY. Stop by our booth and say hi. We are looking forward to meeting everyone this year.

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