
Grandma’s Toe is Broke I can’t come to Work

Grandma's Toe is Broke I can't come to Work

Grandma’s Toe is Broke I can’t come to Work. Trucking say this is one of the biggest excuse, to not come to work. They hear it all the time. A driver is scheduled for orientation and then the excuses start coming in. The most common excuse is granny. That’s right, poor old granny is sick” or my grandma died” but you can sure bet, granny will always be the most common excuse to get out of work.

Instead of making up an excuse, why don’t you jus tell the company, you found a better fit for you? They would have more respect for you if you would come clean and be honest. At least you wouldn’t have to remember another lie. Tune in and hear this hilarious episode on TalkCDL Trucking Podcast.

Trailer with snow and ice pose a danger to the public

We all seen it before. You go to the drop yard to pick up a trailer and it has a foot of snow on the top. What do you do? In most cases, there is nothing you can do. At some point you will have to transport that trailer onto the highway. Thats when the diner starts. Snow flying everywhere and even chunks of ice.

Recently a trucker was injured when an ice missile from another tractor-trailer flew off and crashed through his windshield. The driver was transported to the hospital. Police have not said if they located the other driver or if he will be charged with anything.

You are dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t clean off the snow. It is almost impossible for a trucker to reach the top of his trailer to clean it. one in and hear the results of this podcast.

Grandma’s Toe is Broke I can’t come to Work

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