
Trapped Inside A Semi-Truck Rollover

Trapped Inside A Semi-Truck Rollover

Trapped Inside A Semi-Truck Rollover. Have you ever rolled a semi-truck over? According to most drivers, it is a violent experience. We sat down with James Pittman and talked about his experience.

James was driving on the back roads of South Dakota. All was going well till it happened. James Rolled his tractor and trailer over. It did not need there. His rig went over a bank. With no cell phone service, in the middle of the night and trapped inside his big rig, hear this amazing story.

Have you ever had your trailer stolen?

Listen in while James also tells us the story of, how he caught a driver in the act of leaving with his trailer. James was getting repairs to his tractor when he came out of the shop. Whats that? James thought. Oh, thats my trailer leaving the truck stop, with another driver. James quit thinking saved the day. Tune in to this weeks episode of TalkCDL Trucking Podcast and hear the ending of this bizarre story. Trapped Inside A Semi-Truck Rollover

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