
Truck Stops Failing Truckers Plus AB5 Explained

Truck Stops Failing Truckers Plus AB5 Explained

Truck Stops Failing Truckers Plus AB5 Explained. Truck Stops have been losing their traditional feel for the last decade. What was once a family atmosphere of diners with friendly waitresses and truckers getting together for a meal. Has become a hurry up, pay for your fuel and order your McDonalds meal and get out of our way attitude.

The American Truck Stop is quickly becoming an over sized 7 eleven, pushing drivers through a line as fast as they can grab your money. There is no feeling of love or “happy to see you”. When is the last time you heard “y’all come back now, ya here”? Tune in for this weeks podcast titled “Truck Stops Failing Truckers Plus AB5 Explained”.

AB5 is the newest nightmare in California.

If you are a contractor paying for your own tools, vehicle or you have an investment in your job, you will want to hear this podcast. The new law in CA has many workers angry and scared they will lose their income. The law was made in 2019 and is now going into affect.

The Supreme Court refused to hear the independent truckers and now has everyone scrambling for solutions. Only time will tell the impact of this new and treacherous rule. Perhaps there will be a great exodus from CA in order to preserve the American workers lifestyle.

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