
Trucking Industry Just had a Bowel Movement

Trucking Industry Just had a Bowel Movement

Trucking Industry Just had a Bowel Movement. The trucking industry just took a poop. It has been crapping out trucking companies allot lately. That right the trucking industry has diarrhea right now. We sat down and talked about a specific trucking company. One that recently stopped paying its drivers. Thats when they turned and ran without notice. Now there is over 400 families in need of a job. Not to mention the amount of revenue lost by these drivers. Tune in and hear the break down of this story.

13 bullets and no blood

A trucker is thank ing God and warning others. He was in Kansas when he met a stranger blocking his way onto a road. Words were exchanged and guns drawn. Next thing you know, this trucker is dodging bullets. Tune in and hear this incredible story on TalkCDL Trucking Podcast.

TalkCDL will be at the Louisville Truck Show 2023

We will be across from the Kentucky State Police. Stop in and say hi.

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