
AI is Spying on Commercial Drivers

AI is Spying on Commercial Drivers

AI is Spying on Commercial Drivers. Artificial Intelligence is being used to catch truck drivers with their cell phones. If you are coming through North Carolina, beware truckers. DOT has a new weapon against truckers that have their phone in their hand.

Many problems are going to arise from this new tool that law enforcement is using. For one, it seems it might be an invasion of privacy. Imagine you are a trucker driving in NC. Your wife is in the bedroom changing and NC DOT snaps a picture of her fully naked. Where is the justice? Where is the right to privacy in your home on wheels? Tune into this weeks episode of TalkCDL trucking Podcast and hear the results.

Barefoot Trucking

Do you know the rules on footwear in a tractor trailer? In fact, there are none. Check out this segment on TalKCDL trucking Podcast this week. AI is Spying on Commercial Drivers

AI is Spying on Commercial Drivers


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