
Australian Trucker Gary with TalkCDL

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast
TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn’t just our claim but yours also.

Australian Trucker Gary with TalkCDL in the studio for a chat about trucking life in Australia. Gary Reynolds recently called in to talk about his adventures in the outback. In Australia truckers have many similarities and also some differences. For example Australian truck drivers also have to log their hours of driving. They are however, not obligated to use ELD’s. Australian truck drivers, like American truck drivers, drive Kenworth’s, Western Stars and Freight Liners. Peterbilt’s are not a common truck as in the USA. Tune in to this weeks podcast and hear how our brothers in Australia work in the trucking industry.

Australian Truckers

Australian Trucker Gary With TalkCDL. Truckers in Australia drive wats called a “Road Train”. Australian Outback road trains can reach lengths of up to 175 feet (53.5 meters) — or even longer, if they’re driven on private roads. The record for the longest road train is 1,474.3 m (4,836 ft 11 in) where a single Mack Titan prime mover, driven by John Atkinson (Australia), towed 113 trailers for a distance of approximately 150 m (490 ft) in an event sponsored by Hogs Breath Café, in Clifton, Queensland, Australia on 18 February 2006. Double (two-trailer) road train combinations are allowed on some roads in most states of Australia, including specified approaches to the ports and industrial areas of Adelaide, South Australia and Perth, Western Australia.

TalkCDL Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from TalkCDL. We hope your holidays are spent at home with your family. To contact TalkCDL about an interview or a show idea, please write to or We appreciate everyone of our listeners and wish you a Happy New Year, Lord Willing.

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