
Trucking Companies Not To Work For

TRUCKING COMPANIES NOT TO WORK FOR TRUCKING COMPANIES NOT TO WORK FOR. Are you a driver that is having a hard time getting a job, because of your past references? If you are, then you are not alone. Many truckers have been duped into working for certain carriers only to "not' have a job reference when they have terminated employment. Driver…

1099 Truck Drivers Legal or Not

7 Best Semi Truck Brands 1099 TRUCK DRIVERS LEGAL OR NOT. We recently sat down in the studio and talked about the ever growing pool of 1099 truck drivers. We were asked a question. Is it legal or illegal to pay a truck driver without holding his taxes back, thus calling him a 1099 truck driver? We went to the…

Truckers & Companies Lying to EaCh Other

TRUCKERS & COMPANIES LYING TO EACH OTHER TRUCKERS & COMPANIES LYING TO EACH OTHER. There is a major problem in the Trucking Industry. Some truckers are constantly lying to trucking companies. Then there's the trucking companies that lye to truck drivers. Not every trucker is a liar and not every trucking company is a liar, but there are enough on both sides…

United States Recruiting Truckers From Africa

UNITED STATES RECRUITING TRUCKERS FROM AFRICA UNITED STATES RECRUITING TRUCKERS FROM AFRICA. Did you know that the United States Trucking Industry is now recruiting truck drivers from South Africa. With the struggle to recruit truck drivers, the United States has started a campaign to invite South African truckers to relocate to North America. The US will need One Hundred Thousand extra…

Semi Truck Hits Stopped traffic 10 Dead

SEMI TRUCK HITS STOPPED TRAFFIC 10 DEAD SEMI TRUCK HITS STOPPED TRAFFIC 10 DEAD. On June 19th, along Interstate 65 in Alabama at mile post 138 near the bridge over Pigeon Creek was the location of a deadly scene. Ten people were killed, including 8 children, teenagers and 2 adults, when a semi truck failed to stop at a queue, as the…

5 Dumbest Driving Positions

5 DUMBEST DRIVING POSITIONS 5 DUMBEST DRIVING POSITIONS. How many people actually drive in the right sitting position? From what you see driving down the road, there is not many that have great driving etiquette! We have the top five bad positions to sit in while operating a vehicle, so tune in. Driving is dangerous enough, but when you…

How many accident will you have in a life time

How many accidents will you have in a life time HOW MANY ACCIDENT WILL YOU HAVE IN A LIFE TIMEyour life time.. Did you know the average person will be in an accident on average, every 17 year? So the average person will be in some form of accident at least 4 times in a life time. According to the car insurance industry, you will…

Eating Habits Survey On The Road

EATING HABITS SURVEY ON THE ROAD EATING HABITS SURVEY ON THE ROAD. Check out our latest podcast about what the most go to food while traveling. Tune in and here Ruthann and Troy's spin on this wacky survey. EATING HABITS SURVEY ON THE ROAD National CarriersJJ Keller the truckers friendMDR Cocoon the ap that pays TruckersMolesters, Truck parking scam, Trucking newsTrucking…

Child Molester Offers Free Rides In Semi

Child Molester offers Free Rides In Semi CHILD MOLESTER OFFERS FREE RIDES IN SEMI. 59-year-old Travis Wayne Vavra lured young children into his tractor-trailer for a chance to see the country on an adventure. He did this by pretending to be a person that cares about our youths and wanting to give children a chance to travel at his expense. He posted…

Sam Legg Trucker & Killer

SAM LEGG TRUCKER & KILLER SAM LEGG TRUCKER & KILLER. Sam Legg has been sitting in a mental institution since the early part of 2019. He was deemed unfit to stand trial for the many murders he has been accused of. In fact officials have termed him has being a schizophrenia. Legg has been linked to several slayings across the…

When Truck Drivers Snap

WHEN TRUCK DRIVERS SNAP WHEN TRUCK DRIVERS SNAP. It is statistically known, that when pushed too far, a man can go off the deep end. Truck drivers are under allot of pressure to begin with. They were probably in an altered state, say Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman, authors of “Snapping: America’s Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change.” The communication…

Flip Flop Truckers Legal or not?

Flip Flop Truckers legal or not FLIP FLOP TRUCKERS LEGAL OR NOT? Is there a law that prohibits a truck driver from wearing certain foot attire? The simple answer is "no" it is not illegal to wear flip flops while driving a semi truck. However, if one gets into an accident and the cause is the flip flops, then you may…