
Hazmat Endorsement Is It Worth It

Hazmat Endorsement Is It Worth It
  • TAB Bank – Helping Truckers with Money for a long time
  • Drivewyze – The easiest way to bypass Weigh Scales on the market
  • NCI Trucking – One of the best carriers looking for drivers for company drivers and lease drivers
  • Truck Parking Club – When you need a parking space for that Big Rig, Truck Parking Club has you resting in seconds
  • Carter Lumber Local Trucking Jobs – Employing Truckers that want to be home every Day

Truck Parking Club Is Helping Hurricane Victims

Hazmat Endorsement Is It Worth It

Be sure to check out our last episode here

Ice Pick Bandit Hit Again

The Ice Pick Bandit is getting more daring. This time at a truck stop in Tennessee, he hit over 80 Semi Trucks. All I can say is wow, this guy is getting more braised. His picture is everywhere and he doesn’t seem to care. Perhaps he is wanting to get caught. troy made the statement that he will interview the bandit once he is in jail.


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