
How To Choose A Trucking Job

How To Choose A Trucking Job

How To Choose A Trucking Job. Have you struck out when picking a trucking job? Were you lid to? Did you last very long? Most likely, the answer was negative to all these questions. Don’t worry, you are not alone. In fact, most truckers end up at a job and do not last. The average turnover in the industry is 140%, which means, for every 100 trucks you have, you have to hire 140 drivers. Ouch. How To Choose A Trucking Job

Tune into TalkC L Trucking Podcast and hear the way a trucker should approach a new driving job.

  • TAB Bank – Helping Truckers with Money for a long time
  • Drivewyze – The easiest way to bypass Weigh Scales on the market
  • NCI Trucking – One of the best carriers looking for drivers for company drivers and lease drivers
  • Truck Parking Club – When you need a parking space for that Big Rig, Truck Parking Club has you resting in seconds
  • Carter Lumber Local Trucking Jobs – Employing Truckers that want to be home every Day

Truckers and the bad economy

If you’re are looking for a better job, odds are you won’t find one in 2024. Unfortunately you and a million other truckers are hurting an in search of better times. Well relax, trucking will get better but just not right now. If you’re paying the bills with the current job, I would not look any further. Wait till the industry turns around and then make your move. Trust me, right now, there is nothing out there. Stay strong and wait. How To Choose A Trucking Job


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