
Man Found Dead Underneath Burnt Semi-Truck

An Orlando man is dead after being found underneath the cab of a semi-truck that crashed on I-10 in Walton County.

According to a Florida Highway Patrol,  on Saturday, Oct. 28th, a semi-truck traveling east on I-10 near mile marker 94 went off the roadway into a wooded median.

After crashing into the trees the semi-truck caught fire and became fully engulfed in flames.

The driver, Carlton Ziegler, 45, of Orlando was unresponsive when EMS arrived and had serious injuries.

After contact with the trucking company was made, the police were informed that there was a passenger that was also in the truck.

A search was immediately conducted of the wreckage. At approximately 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, the truck’s passenger, Obenson Etienne, 37, also of Orlando, was located under the truck’s cab and spilled load.

OBenson was pronounced dead on the scene.

The incident is under investigation.

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