
Merry Christmas Truckers

Merry Christmas Truckers

Merry Christmas Truckers. We hope all truckers and their families have great and merry Christmas this year. The most important load you will deliver is yourself to your family. Dont rush to get home. Make it home safe, even if you’re late, your family will be happy you’re there. Merry Christmas Truckers

TalkCDL Interviews 2025

We want you. That’s right, TalkCDL Trucking Podcast is looking for some good people to interview. Of course it has to be all about trucking. Email us at or

Trucker Remember This

When you’re driving that big rig, just a few things you should know. Youre the captain of the ship. Don’t let anyone ever tell you how or when you have to drive that ship. It is an important responsibility to operating heavy equipment on Americas Roads. Your are responsible for your own life and just as important, the lives around you.

Also, you’re worth what you portrait yourself to be. If you’re loyal, on time, safe driver, you’re worth your weight in gold.

Cut your path nd make your journey sure.

Merging Lanes

We here at TalkCDL hope every trucker gets a brand New Shiny Peterbilt with an 18 Speed for Christmas. We can at least wish this for everyone. If you dont get that big ol Pete, we wish you at least peace, hope and Love in your lives.

With Love

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast


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