
Semi Trucks in PA & Trucker Birthdays

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast
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Semi Trucks in Pa & Trucker Birthdays. There are a few new rules in Pennsylvania when it comes to Semi Trucks and winter driving. It will depend on conditions and what weight and level your semi truck falls into on the new categories list. Pennsylvania has been named the 2nd worst state for winter driving and the authorities here are taking it serious. If you drive a big rig for a living, you might want to understand the new laws enacted this year.

Trucker Birthday’s


The life of a truck driver is different in many ways. Schedules are probably in the top 5 things that will always be different from the rest of the world. Birthdays and holidays can become a problem for OTR and Regional truck drivers. Sometime a driver has to make priorities in their lives. A driver must explain to his family his schedule. A good trucker family will understand the way our birthdays and holidays are going to be. A truck driver will have to decide many times which is more important. If we constantly choose to be home for every holiday and birthday off schedule we will lose allot of money. One must decide which is more important. Paying the bills and making sure college is take care of should be more important to a driver. In the long run it would be better to have a house paid for and educated kids rather than a grown man that can look back and say “My Dady alway made it home for my birthday”. we were broke and thrown out of man y places but we never missed birthdays. Immure you get the point.

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