TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also. NEGLIGENCE & TRUCKING INSURANCE. Recently we spoke with Corey from Utah, a trucking insurance expert. Corey explained to TalkCDL why trucking companies cost themselves unnecessary large amounts of money. Trucking companies fail to put in place policies…
Subtle to Loud Most changes will be very little in the beginning. As time goes on it is inevitable that Millis falls in line with the new mothership. Drivers that work for Millis may come to find out that their health care will change. All changes are going to be based on the motherships financial… Make it a routine When parking we need to make it a routine. It should be no different than the safety precautions we take when driving. As we routinely watch our mirrors we should also automatically pull that red and yellow knob out when parking. Make it a habit if it takes putting a…
Trucking & The Bloodsucking LawyersTrucking & The Bloodsucking lawyers. An everyday trucker is not thinking of the lawyers that are just waiting for the next big lawsuit in trucking. Everyday day someone walks into the office of a good attorney inquiring about how much money they can get from an accident. Many of these accidents…
Truckers 3rd Land ViolationsTruck drivers that run in the 3rd lane are at rick of getting a ticket and a fine. In many states a semi truck is restricted to using the right two lanes only. But there area also many instances where a trucker may use the 3rd lane with out braking the law.…
All about Trucking What is Black Ice? Black ice is a thin coat of glazed ice on a surface. And it isn't black – it's actually clear, but it takes on a dark colouring from the pavement below it. Because it is so thin, it is often invisible to the human eye. Black ice can form in many ways but the most common way is from…
All about Trucking Trucker and Hitchhikers Diesel a truckers story of a hitchhiker. Should truck drivers pick up hitch hikers? Is it worth it and can you be fired for it? Truckers normally have a big heart and when they see someone walking we might have a tendency to want to offer a ride.…
All about Trucking Honor your ink If you are a truck driver and sign a contract with a trucking company then honor your word. If you agree to drive for a carrier for a certain period then you must keep your word. Many drivers have signed an agreement only to break it. When you…
All about Trucking How did this happen Slaap Apnea does it even matter? About 20 years ago truckers started hearing from company doctors that they had sleep apnea. They were asked by the doc if they snored. If the driver answered 'yes", then the doctor told them they had the sleep disease. Thay also…
All about Trucking Fatalities in Trucking Big Carrier Stats Including Fatalities. How many deaths have these mega carriers been involved with? Which carrier has the most? Tune in to TalkCDL Trucking Podcast this week and hear what the hosts came up with. You will be surprised at the numbers concerning fatalities around these big…
All about Trucking TalkCDL wants to interview you Trucker Crash Stats & HOS. TalkCDL is looking for truckers or anyone that has a crazy different story to tell that is linked to trucking. Maybe you see something really crazy or was involved in something that is totally wild but trucking related. Well we want…
All about Trucking FMCSA Follow the link above and log in to go your opinion on detention time and pay in the industry. They need your help and want to hear what is really going on with this issue. Detention pay issues are gaining ground and you can help by voicing your concerns on…