TRUCKING COMPANIES NOT TO WORK FOR. Are you a driver that is having a hard time getting a job, because of your past references? If you are, then you are not alone. Many truckers have been duped into working for certain carriers only to "not' have a job reference when they have terminated employment. Driver…
Truckers Hall of Fame. Truck drivers now have a place they can strive to be a part of. A part of History if you will. A truck driver can now make it into the Truckers Hall of Fame. Recently we picked up on a story that covered a driver making it into the IFDA (International…
Coronanvirus and Truckers.Truck drivers all across are asking the question, am I safe from getting the coronavirus? The answer is somewhat simple. As authorities had thought, the virus does not seem to able to survive on surfaces for lengthy periods, meaning, unlike hepatitis which can survive for long periods (up to a week) on surfaces,…
TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also.Mike Sheffield Trucker & Singer. We went on a road trip to Everts Ky. We sat with Mike and his guitar player Dustin. Mike told us many stories about how he started out as a truck driver and…
All about Trucking Truckers Cell Phones Can Kill Maybe the cell phone themselves cant kill but the effect it can have on a drivers attention can be deadly. We all know that taking your eyes off the road for 3 to 5 seconds at 70mph makes you unaware of the last 500 feet. That…