TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also. TRUCKER GETS CAUGHT IN AN FBI STING . A trucker from Tennessee was arrested after he traveled to Georgia to meet what he thought was an under aged child. According to authorities Seth Weidemann used the internet…
Director Tom Turns Trucking Interview Around. We sat down with a Hollywood director to talk about his thoughts on trucking and he turned the interview around on us. Instead of asking questions, Tom Kramer, a Hollywood director turned the tables on hosts Troy and Ruthann Austin. Tom quickly took over the show and conducted his…
Trucker Booting Scam - Know The Law. All across the country there is a new scam going on. Tow companies are setting up illegal booting traps. Unaware to the property owner, illegal tow companies will set signs on parking lots that say "No Semi Truck Parking". In many cases the signs are hidden and not…
TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also.2019 Trucking Companies Gone + Shots Fired. There were too many trucking companies that went out of business in 2019 to count. Citing lack of fright because of trade wars, many carriers found themselves searching for freight. With…
TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also. Australian Trucker Gary with TalkCDL in the studio for a chat about trucking life in Australia. Gary Reynolds recently called in to talk about his adventures in the outback. In Australia truckers have many similarities and also…
TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also.D.O.T. Answers tough trucker Questions. Trooper Hoover from the Indiana State Police sat down with us for an interview. We talked about his relationship with truck drivers and how he is making an impact in todays trucking industry.…
TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also.Semi Trucks in Pa & Trucker Birthdays. There are a few new rules in Pennsylvania when it comes to Semi Trucks and winter driving. It will depend on conditions and what weight and level your semi truck falls…
TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also. Kelly Mack McCoy Trucker Writer Husband. Kelly wrote a book called "Rough Way To The Highway" which is the first book he has written. You guested it, its about trucking and and the lives of a few…
TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also. NEGLIGENCE & TRUCKING INSURANCE. Recently we spoke with Corey from Utah, a trucking insurance expert. Corey explained to TalkCDL why trucking companies cost themselves unnecessary large amounts of money. Trucking companies fail to put in place policies…
Subtle to Loud Most changes will be very little in the beginning. As time goes on it is inevitable that Millis falls in line with the new mothership. Drivers that work for Millis may come to find out that their health care will change. All changes are going to be based on the motherships financial… Make it a routine When parking we need to make it a routine. It should be no different than the safety precautions we take when driving. As we routinely watch our mirrors we should also automatically pull that red and yellow knob out when parking. Make it a habit if it takes putting a…
Trucking & The Bloodsucking LawyersTrucking & The Bloodsucking lawyers. An everyday trucker is not thinking of the lawyers that are just waiting for the next big lawsuit in trucking. Everyday day someone walks into the office of a good attorney inquiring about how much money they can get from an accident. Many of these accidents…