The Ice Pick Bandit. He is real and he is out there. The ice truck bandit, as he is called, is on the loose popping tires. He has struck from Kentucky to Florida. Interstate 75 seems to be his playground. If you're tired and pull off the road to sleep, you could be his next…
Truck Parking Interview For Truckers. We sat down with Evan Shelly, the cofounder of Truck Parking He came on the show to update us on whats going on with truck-Parking-Club. Here what truck shows will be attending this coming year, all on TalkCDL Trucking Podcast. Truck Parking Interview For Truckers Truck Parking Club…
Some of the Longest Roads In America. Do you know which roads are the longest in the USA? If you guessed, all interstates, you would be wrong. Most truckers will probably guess some of the roads but you will be surprised which road is the longest. Tune in to TalkCDL Trucking Podcast and hear the…
How Dangerous Is Trucking. Wow, is trucking that scary? Is there death and Injury every where we turn? the fact is, trucking is the most dangerous job in the world. From health hazards to accidents and much more. We break it down for you on the next episode of TalkCDL trucking Podcast. More Trucking Companies…
Beware Semi Truck Vandals In These Areas. Has your pay decreased in the last 12 months? If it has, you are not alone. Several drivers across the country have seen pay decreases. They have also seen the loss of bonuses and of course miles. It's crunch time and carriers are trying to save money. Unfortunately,…
Trucking Jobs Are Looking Grim. Don't quit your day job because it's not ;looking good in the trucking industry. Tune into this weeks TalkCDL Trucking podcast and hear how jobs are getting scarce in the industry. Troy did a quit poll across Craigslist and what he found was scary. This time last year there was…
Driver Interview Company Running Illegal. Have you worked for a company that ran illegal. Did you report them to the authorities? Tune in and hear how one driver stood up and refused to be under illegal practices. We sat down in the studio with a driver for a short talk. He told us many things…
List of Bad Shippers & Receivers. Have you been held up at a shipper or a receiver? We have short list of places that truckers hate to pickup or deliver to. Check out this weeks podcast and see if you agree with the list. Truckers hate to get stuck at a customer while doing their…
Wrong Turn. Have you ever made a wrong turn? Have you made that turn in a semi truck? This week we discussed how a driver can turn his life upside down with one wrong turn. You all have heard about the driver that turn down the wrong street and hit a bridge, right? Well, have…
If You Believe The Rich Man. Did you know that autonomous trucks are a real thing? They are putting in self operating fuel stops for driverless semi trucks. Of course there is a driver in the truck. A driver that is helping take away future jobs of other truckers. It's no different than the kiosks…
Best and Worst States for jobs. We have the list everyone has been looking for. This list will not only tell you how much the average carrier is paying per state. This list will also tell you how many trucking jobs are available in a particular state. The top ten will surpass you but the…
You Won't Believe This Story plus Trucker $100,000 Bonuses. Recently a trucker was arrested, after she crashed her big rig in Pennsylvania. But that is not the shocking part of this story. She was drunk and her company was made to hire her back. You won't believe what the arbitrator said to the trucking company.…