
The Jeff Burkhardt Interview

The Jeff Burkhardt Interview

The Jeff Burkhardt Interview. If you haven’t heard of Jeff Burkhardt, you will know him after this sit down. We asked Jeff about many issues in the trucking industry. Autonomous Trucks? What did Jeff say in this meeting the future holds for the American Truck Driver. Marijuana in the trucking industry? Jeff gave us his take on this controversial topic. Tune in and hear Troy and Ruthann, as they fire some tough questions at Mr. Burkhardt. The Jeff Burkhardt Interview

  • TAB Bank – Helping Truckers with Money for a long time
  • Drivewyze – The easiest way to bypass Weigh Scales on the market
  • NCI Trucking – One of the best carriers looking for drivers for company drivers and lease drivers
  • Truck Parking Club – When you need a parking space for that Big Rig, Truck Parking Club has you resting in seconds
  • Carter Lumber Local Trucking Jobs – Employing Truckers that want to be home every Day

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast Fyture Interviews

If you are in the Trucking Industry and you have something important to say. Say it on TalkCDL Trucking Podcast. Write to us at or and tell us what is on your mind.

We are looking for individuals or companies that can bring value to the show. TalkCDL is the number one trucking podcast in the world and we want to give you our stage. We are especially looking for those that can speak on the future of our freight. If you are someone that loves to speak, let us make you famous.

Winter is Coming Drivers

Are you prepared for winter driving? Here is a short check list to get you ready for this coming season. Keep the following items in storage in case of a winter emergency.

  • Winter Gloves
  • Winter Boots
  • Warm Socks
  • Chains if in a mandatory area
  • Fuel Treatment
  • 2 way radio
  • CB Radio
  • Candles
  • Flashlights

Major Wrecks


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