
Trucker TalkS About His Rollover

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast
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Trucker Talks About His Rollover. We recently spoke with a truck driver that was involved in a rollover. The year was 1991 and Scott Thornbury would be in a life changing accident. Scott would be involved in what truckers call a ‘rollover”. A rollover is when a semi truck is turned on its side or up side down. it is a violent accident and it is considered one of the worse accident a semi truck can be involved in.


Trucker Talks About His Rollover. There are many reasons that cause a rollover. A trucker can take a turn too fast, a load can shift, a shipper can load a trailer wrong, a tire can blow and cause a rollover, a tire can catch a low shoulder causing a driver to over-correct his truck, there are many causes but the most common reason for a rollover is off and on ramps. It happens numerous times in. year, a truck driver approaches an off ramp too fast and lays it down. This is why the rule of thumb is keep your rig at half the posted speed when approaching on and off ramps.

TalkCDL is looking for singers

If you are a singer and have a song about trucking we would like to showcase it. TalkCDL would like to put together a video of your awesome sone about the trucking industry. Also if you have videos and pictures please send them to or Also we would like to thank everyone that follows us on all platforms. If you are wanting to be a guest on the show please send us a message and we will try and include you.

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