
Trucker Tax Service advice to Truck Drivers

Tax Season for Truckers

Trucker tax service, advice to truck drivers. It’s tax time and for trucking industry, as with other industries, we should look to the experts to help with our yearly taxes. For company drivers and owner operators, finding someone that knows how to save and file taxes properly can be hard. Fortunately for truckers, the is a tax preparer called Trucker tax service. Owned and operated by Jim O’Donnell for 12 years. Jim sat down with us to answer some though questions about how he is better than the competition on saving money for truckers. Jim told us how the bigger tax service places just plug in numbers based on the information a truck driver hands over to them. Never questioning numbers or situations, they just merely plug in to their software what a trucker tells them and the end results will be whatever the computer spits out. At Trucker tax service Jim pointed out that truck drivers and the trucking industry is where they specialize in. he said we recognize many breaks and loopholes that other dont because this is what “we do” every day. For example Jim told us that he recently had a trucker in his office that had turned in his paperwork. Jim being an expert in the trucking industry looked at the numbers and immediately was suspicious ofnthe low numbers a trucker had turned in. The truck driver in this case had failed to put in some items that counted as a “write off”, in fact a $24,000 write off. This most likely saved the driver from having to pay in an extra 4 to $5000. Jim explained that the bigger tax services have way too many customers to stop and question every number. Trucker tax service believes that by saving their customers money, the customer will return and this is the reason Jim has been in business for 12 years helping Truckers with their taxes.

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TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn’t just our claim but yours also.

Contact Trucker Tax Service

To contact Jim dial 888.799.1099 or email him at You can look them up on the web at

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast

We would like to thank everyone that sends us videos and pictures. We as always are trying to get them edited and and uploaded. We also as always would like to invite anyone in trucking to join us for a show. Please write to us at and tell us what you would ike to talk about on the podcast.


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