
Trucking & the bloodsucking lawyers

Trucking & The Bloodsucking Lawyers

Trucking & The Bloodsucking lawyers. An everyday trucker is not thinking of the lawyers that are just waiting for the next big lawsuit in trucking. Everyday day someone walks into the office of a good attorney inquiring about how much money they can get from an accident. Many of these accidents are not even the truckers fault but that does not matter when it comes to the big bad trucking companies. When an accident goes to trial it is very easy to see why the jury would side with the people in the smaller vehicles. Its only natural that a jury made up of human beings would have compassion on this that hav suffered. Naturally the occupants of the smaller vehicle will most likely be the party that suffered the most even though they might be at fault. This is very common and we must consider this every time we get behind the wheel of our big rig.

Cover your butts

If you are a professional truck driver then protect yourself as best as you can. One way is to have a witness riding along with you. I am not talking about a passenger but a dash cam. A dash cam is a very credible witness when it comes to facts. Many truck drivers have been exonerated from accidents that were at first thought to be their fault. For example; a four wheeled vehicle merging in traffic can often times misjudge and thus are forced to apply their brakes causing a tractor trailer to hit them from behind. In recent years many truckers have been found innocent of this type of accident because of the dash cam. With out the dash cam it becomes your word against theirs and according to most traffic cops a person should be in control of their vehicle at all times, making it the truckers fault.

We would like to interview you

If you are a trucker or associated with trucking we would like to have you on as a guest. Trucking is a fantastic industry filled with many stories. We would like to tell your story on our show. We also are always looking for interesting videos and pictures that are related to trucking. Please write to us at or

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