
Why Experience Pays More

Why Experience Pays Worth More

Why Experience Is Worth More. Would you like to know why trucking companies pay more for an experienced driver? There is a slew of reasons but the main one comes down to accidents. Thats right, which driver is more likely to have a small accident? Accidents cost the carrier money. So, an experienced driver is worth more to a carrier than a rookie driver. Why Experience Pays More

  • TAB Bank – Helping Truckers with Money for a long time
  • Drivewyze – The easiest way to bypass Weigh Scales on the market
  • NCI Trucking – One of the best carriers looking for drivers for company drivers and lease drivers
  • Truck Parking Club – When you need a parking space for that Big Rig, Truck Parking Club has you resting in seconds
  • Carter Lumber Local Trucking Jobs – Employing Truckers that want to be home every Day

Trucking Company Owner Sentenced For Lying To Authorities

A smalll trucking company owner has been sentenced to 2 months in jail plus probation. Dunyadar Gasanov, 39, was sentenced on November 21, 2024. Tune in to this weeks episode on TalkCDL Trucking Podcast and hear the results of this story. Why Experience Pays Worth More

Hypocrisy in Trucking

Inward Facing Cameras Survey

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast Interviews

We are always on the lookout for good interviews. Contact or if you’re wanting to request an interview on the show. We prefer the interviewer speaking about trucking.


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