
The Trucker House made of containers

Trucker House
TalkCDL Trucking Podcast
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The Trucker House Made Of Containers. When hurricane Irma hit, it destroyed a mans hose. That man is Rob DePiazza and the storm knocked over a large tree that crashed through his roof. The tree destroyed the entire house. Live Oaks in Florida reach over 80,000 pounds. That night night changed his life. It would take Rob about 3 days before he decided to build a house made out of shipping containers. It would take him 9 months in planning but what a blessing it turned out to be. The house took about 2 1/2 years from the storm till Rob would move in. Fortunately Rob was able to rent the house right next door to his project. He would spend the next couple of years working between his business and the rebuilding of his home.

Made of 9 Containers

The house is made of 9 shipping containers. Two are garages and the rest are for living. The house is approximately 1600 shower feet of living space with 3 bedroom and 2 bathrooms. The door on the containers are still attached to the house and are used for, you guessed it, hurricane shutters. Rob tells us that he does not have any intention of painting the house because he really likes the rustic character of the house. While we were inside the house we noticed you could not hear any wind outside and you couldn’t help but notice the comfort of this home. Its air-conditioning system was made up of several Mitsubishis Mini-Splits. From the stairs to the artwork in this house it is apparent that allot of hard work, planning and a few blessing were definitely involved in the building of this unique dwelling.

Watch for the Video

TalkCDL was allowed to video this truckers house, so please watch for the premiere coming soon on Facebook and YouTube. Also if you have any unique ideas that you would like to suggest to us please write to and let us know what you have in mind. We are always looking to show the world the most interesting things that tie to the trucking industry. We would love to come and video you and do an onsite podcast with you.


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