
Bad Things Can Happen When A Carrier Keeps A Driver Pay

Bad Things Can Happen When A Carrier Keeps A Driver Pay

Bad Things Can Happen When A Carrier Keeps A Driver Pay. This week we are missing little Miss Ruthann. She is sick and is in bed getting much needed rest. Troy will be going it all by himself.

Bad Things Can Happen When A Carrier Keeps A Driver Pay. When a carrier keeps part or all of a drivers last pay check, it can back fire big time. Many drivers have told TalkCDL their last paycheck from the previous company was stolen. That’s right, a driver considers his pay stolen when he does not get his earned wages.

Is it Legal to Dock Pay for Poor Performance or for Mistakes?

Generally, no an employer cannot engage in docking pay or fining employees for poor performance or mistakes, shortages, or damages. However, if the employee agreed in writing that a deduction could be made, the employer may be able to do so.

Only when an employer has reason to believe that the employee was responsible for the mistake and the employee agrees in writing that they will pay for the mistake can it be deducted from their pay.

Massive Pile-Up in Denver

This past week another pile-up took place on the interstate. This is due to winter weather setting in all over. We are suggesting that all drivers everywhere buy a CB Radio.

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