All about Trucking Weed for Truckers Trucking Company In Trouble. Tune in and find out what is new when it comes to weed in the trucking industry. Find out why a Trucking Company is in Trouble
All about Trucking Keep your promises Most trucking companies will tell all the drivers in the orientation not to abandon their trucks. They will reason with drivers telling them that if for any reason you have to quit, they should return the truck to the terminal. "Once you have returned it we will provide a…
All about Trucking Semi Truck Theft Semi Truck TheftDa News Trucker Wants His Lunch MoneyAlso in the news, semi truck theft. This year so far semi truck theft s down. This can be attributed with tracking devices and more cautious trucking companies. Last year there was over 800 semi truck trailers stolen In the United…
All about Trucking Fighting Local Traffic laws Trucker Fights the Law and Wins a Trucker Fights the Law and Wins he will need to be ready with knowledge. Jonathan Deloe went up against the city of Melvindale for a traffic violation that he thought was unjust. He would need to come with his guns (Court…
All about Trucking Cell Phones After an Accident you should know that there is a good chance that police will want ton check on your activities you were a part of while driving. They will want to see if you were on your cell phone. Any hand held device is not permitted to be in…
All about Trucking Trucking News with Ruthann Human Trafficking TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also. Trucking NewsTalkCDL is now getting our emails at Troy at Talk CDL . c o m or Ruthann at talk cdl . c o m haha email us.…
Trucking News Drivers SAP News. Drivers SAP and more this week on TalkCDL Trucking Podcast. Many small trucking companies are not aware of the rules when it comes to truckers failing the DOT drug screen. There are many carriers in operation with non compliant drivers because of not keeping up on the rules and…
All about Trucking Trucking News with Ruthann Legal Weed. Yes pot is legal in many states and will keep growing, pardon the pun. Weed is being smoked now by everyone that has been in hiding for the last century but in trucking its a different story. Going to the local mini mart in the morning…
All about Trucking Trucking is a Trend It seems more and more people are entering into the trucking industry. Five Trucking Trends Shaping 2019. Woman and Men both are signing up for the adventure trucking offers. Many are leaving behind that office job that coops them up all day long with a set of eyes…
Trucking News with Ruthann News with Ruthann. This week Ruthann spoke about ELD's and how they are effecting drivers. Did you know that ELD's although have flaws but could be a good thing? At this time this writer believes they are not so good! Electronic Log Devices have really turned the Trucking Industry upside…
All about Trucking Fear is better than confidence All about Trucking All about Trucking Trucking Scares the PublicTrucking Scares the Public because they don't understand it. When you don't understand how it works then it is easy to fear it. Here is some advice to sharing the road with a semi truck. When Passing a…