
CDL Examiner arrested handing out CDL’s


CDL EXAMINER ARRESTED HANDING OUT CDL’S. A Pennsylvania CDL Examiner was arrested after gave passing grades to Class A CDL driver without taking the test. According to arrest records, Roberto Correas was charged with wire fraud with the alleged charges.

Correas allegedly provided a pre-signed CDL skills exam score sheets to a co-conspirator, who then also allegedly would complete the sheets with passing grades for drivers who did not actually take the test to fraudulently qualify them for CDLs.

Correas also allegedly conducted CDL skills tests for a company, and applicants paid $275 for each exam. Correas did not submit those payments to the company and kept the money, supposably.

Trucker shot in the face by passing motorist

A truck driver was traveling on Interstate 95 in the Richmond Hills Georgia. He passed a Blue Ford Focus but moments later the car caught up to the victim. As the car was passing the trucker, a person leaned out of the window branching a rifle.

The perpetrator then shot and struck the trucker in the face. The truck driver said that the incident happened while moving at a rate of 70mph.

The truck driver managed to stop at a truck stop where he called police. After examination by EMS, it appears that the weapon used was a BB gun. If you have any information about this incident please contact the State Police in Georgia.

54 People Killed when a Tractor-Trailer wrecks

Chiapas, Mexico: On December 9th 2021 in Southern Mexico, a semi truck crashed carrying over 200 migrants. The truck was traveling at a high rate of speed when it failed to negotiate a curve.

The truck rolled over, sliding into a concrete pedestrian bridge and a construction zone nearby. 

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Find our all new Facebook TalkCDL Trucking Podcast Group and join. You can post videos and pics. We are also wanting everyone to post any emergencies or traffic problems. We will be trying to keep everyone alerted to and problems ahead.

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