
Drowsy Driving is Deadly

Drowsy Driving is Deadly

Drowsy Driving is Deadly. A truck driver recently was convicted of vehicular manslaughter. He was not driving while impaired from alcohol or drugs. He was not driving erratic or reckless. His guilt? He was driving while tired. To put it simple, he should have been in bed instead of driving a tractor trailer that night.

Driving drowsy is a term used in the courts when the driver of any vehicle fails to take themselves off the road due to being tired beyond safe driving. This pertains to not only CL drivers but also the motoring public. You are the captain of your ship and you must maintain it safely. He faces up to 7 years in prison when sentenced this coming week. Tune in to this weeks podcast on TalkCDL Trucking Podcast and hear the breakdown of this case.

A trucker and a dog were in a fatal accident recently

A trucker was killed in Arizona when he crashed his big rig. He was hauling a form of acid, which also ruptured and started leaking at the scene. The truckers dog was missing after all the smoke had cleared. A few days later a man noticed a dog approaching him at an RV park. The dog was friendly he said. He took the dog in, fed him and groomed him.

The man decided to try and find the dogs family. He put up fliers and wouldn’t you know, someone recognized the dog. Turns out the dogs name was “Riley”. Apparently the truckers wife had been looking for Riley and long behold, the fliers worked. Tune in and hear the end result of this story on TalkCDL Trucking Podcast.

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