Trucker’s Life on the Road – MUST HAVE TOOLS to keep in your SEMI-TRUCK

There is so many different things that truck drivers encounter on a daily basis that leave them saying "If i only had that one thing". There are tools out there that will just make a truckers life on the road easier, and today will be covering those tools. Please feel free to call us LIVE…

Trucker’s Life on the Road – Road trip essentials to keep comfortable

As we all know, a lot of drivers are out on the road for weeks at a time sometimes even months! This can feel like an eternity if you are not properly outfitted in your truck! Lets talk about the Trucker's Life on the Road - Comforts and Uncomforts. The essentials for your road trips…

Pesky Minor Incidents and Violations and Recapping MVR Week

Yesterday (14 January 2016) we did not get to finish the list of those pesky minor incidents and violations that will add up to you being jobless, so we will finish that and then recap for the week! We love hangout with all our listeners on Fridays because not only is it the end of…

MVR’s – How many minor traffic tickets/violations can you leave jobless

It happens all the time where drivers call for a new job and they start naming off their traffic violations or tickets like lottery numbers.This is a recruiters worst nightmare, and just as much a safety department because they see a driver has not learned from his mistakes. So how many does it take you look…

MVR’s – Tickets that will leave you without a job for 3 years

Drivers call recruiters all the time about what they think is a simple ticket on their MVR, but they do not realize that some of these tickets are not so simple, they can leave you jobless for 3 years from any company! TalkCDL will cover these tickets that any insurance company or saftey department will…

MVR’s – Road-rage and Major Tickets

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Road-rage and Major Tickets on your MVR will haunt you for a long time, but how long? TalkCDL will be discussing this in detail so that you know the next time you get angry in your truck , maybe you should jsut pull over and catch your breath instead of pushing someone off the intertstate.…

MVR’s – What Company’s Consider MAJOR RED FLAG’S

TalkCDL is all about the truckers, and today we will be talking about what comapny's see as major red flags on a drivers MVR report. What do you need to do in order to clear these red flags, and how to explain them. Many drivers fall into a trap where something has happened and it…

Accidents – NON-DOT Re-portable but still Major Accident

8 January 2016 TalkCDL will be finishing up this weeks string of topics on accidents by covering NON-DOT Re-portable accidents that are still considered a major accident, just because its non-dot doesn't mean your in the clear, listen to learn why. We will also be covering some Friday Fun topics, you are trying to get…

Accidents – Minor Accidents are just as bad as Major Accidents

TalkCDL will be talking about how Minor accidents are just as bad as major accidents, what are insurance companies and safety departments thinking when they see your reports? Tune in 1/7/2016 8AM EST as we continue a topic off of our recent topic Incidents vs. Accidents and find out why! It is important as a driver…

Accidents – Is it an Accident, or is it an Incident? Is there a Difference?

It is January 6th 2016, and we are halfway through the first week of the new year. Today TalkCDL will be continuing our accident segment and defining the difference between accident and incidents. We want to make sure  you can make sure you know these differences so that you can explain to your potential companys more clearly what it…

Accidents – What is a DOT Reportable compared to NON-DOT Reportable?

It is very important to fully understand is you are involved in an accident that is DOT reportable vs. one that is non-DOT reportable, because it will greatly change your approach to getting a job. Today we will be talking about the differences between these two types of accident definitions, and then give a few…

Accidents – Getting Hired after an accident!

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Most drivers that have accident never think of protecting themselves and their careers after the fact. The paper work you need after an accident is very imprtant if you are going to get a good job. Trucking accidents are very common every day whether it is a small accident or a big accident, there are…