
Prime inc. Suing Amazon Prime

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast

Prime inc. Suing Amazon Prime for name use. Prime inc. claims it has the rights to the word “Prime” in trucking. Stating Amazon has made irreparable damage they are now going to court. When 2 wealthy companies get together over money it gets real interesting and makes a great podcast. So we thank these two mega companies for the great upcoming bout. Haha, and now in this corner weighing in at 500 Gabillion dollars its Amazon the “Store killer” Prime haha. And in this corner weighing in at the 14th largest trucking company in the USA its Prime “18 wheels of fury” inc. Touch gloves if you want to lol.

Louisiana approves autonomous semi trucks

The state of Louisiana has written some rules for self driving semi trucks. Autonomous semi trucks will now be traveling through Louisiana. TalkCDL host Troy Austin suggested that and state allowing such vehicles to travel in Americas highways should be clearly marked. The American people have the right to know what is traveling beside them which gives us a chance to move out of the way. Americans are entering into the testing faze of this new venture. We are becoming lab rats for the autonomous industry. A clear marking like say Big Giant Xs printed on the side of the Tractor and Trailer indicating a driverless truck is amongst us. This is something we should demand. After all when a student driver is on the road, we are made aware by the markings on the vehicle. The industry can make the public feel safer by just simply identifying these giant hazards on the road.

TalkCDL interviews

Be sure and message us for your trucking interview today. We are always looking for new and exciting stories related to the trucking industry. TalkCDL is normally in the studio one to two nights per week in the evening. By calling in on a quiet phone you can be patched into our studio to tell the world your story. Write to us at or and let us know what you want to talk about.

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast
TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn’t just our claim but yours also.

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