
Ripping off your own company


RIPPING OFF YOUR OWN COMPANY. There is a growing rate of drivers that are stealing from their own company. Some are doing whats called “Padding the fuel card”! The way the scam works is, a driver finds a small truck stop that will work the scam with them. The clerk behind the counter runs an extra amount of cash on the card (which never goes in the tank) and then they split to booty. But beware drivers, sooner or later your company will figure it out, they always do. Either your fuel mileage is not adding up or something subtle will catch someones eye back at the terminal. Once caught, you will soon learn that the couple of dollars is not worth your career. Finding another carrier to hire you once you have been marked down as a thief at a trucking company, will be next to impossible.

Volvo on strike again

It has been over ten years since Volvo has had a strike. Recently thousands of union worker walked out when a deal was not met. Volvo offered more incentive but apparently it was not good enough. Negotiations are suppose to resume April 26th, 2022. This not only hurts Volvo but it also hurts suppliers that produce product needed for the assembly line itself. In this writer’s opinion, Volvo should raise the workers to a top standard in the industry, after all the cost of the rigs are going up along with profit and why not pass that onto the worker. Another thing to consider is, last year many places were shut down due to covid 19, which means production is behind. With that being said, Volvo runs the risk of losing customers that are desperately seeking to increase their fleets.

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