
Ruthann – Interview with Women in Trucking


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Women in Trucking!

Ruthann – Interview with “Women in Trucking”. As Ruthann and Deb spoke she revealed that she is on image team for the Women in Trucking. She handles much of the social media like Facebook and other parts of the internet. She also handles interviews and all the while being fully supported by her husband. Tune in to TalkCDL’s Podcast Ruthann – Interview with “Women in Trucking”.

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TalkCDL Interviews

If you are a trucker or you are part of the trucking industry TalkCDL would like to interview you. If you are part of a trucking company and would like to spot light your carrier on TalkCDL please write to us. We can be found at Message us there and we will respond as quickly as we can. If you have videos or pictures that pertain to the trucking industry please send them to us with your permission to use them. Thank you!

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