Trucker House

The Trucker House made of containers

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Recieve Show Notices, Automatically be added to Prize Drawing, and More TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also. The Trucker House Made Of Containers. When hurricane Irma hit, it destroyed a mans hose. That man is Rob DePiazza and the storm knocked over a large tree that crashed through his roof. The tree destroyed…

Trucking NewS – Driving for the Cartel – Drivers Wanted

All about Trucking Gainville Accident The recent accident in Gainesville Florida was tragic and many lives were lost. The authorities have announced that the blame is going to the north bound truck driver. The driver is said to have made an abrupt swerve taking a car across the medium and killing another trucker. My opinion…

Truckers Blocked by Protesters/Live-trucking – Serial Killers OTR

Truckers dealing with protesters. This Saturday July 7th a protest is planned in the city of Chicago. The demonstration is about gun violence. It is scheduled to start in the morning and last a few hours. Rev. Michael Pfleger and hundreds of anti-violence activists plan to shut down a portion of the Dan Ryan Expressway…