
Truckers stop killing your grandmother

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast
All about Trucking

Just tell the truth

That old saying “the truth shall set you free” is such a true saying. When you call a trucking company up and just say “Im not going to be able to come to work”, you will get more respect than the driver that just doesn’t show up. Why its so hard to just do the right thing is amazing but 99% of all truckers that change their mind have a tendency to lie to the carrier rather than being forth coming. If you tell them the truth they will mark you down as a good potential hire in the future and will always leave the door open for you. But if you lie, many of them are now marking you down as “never hire”. Why burn bridges? Just speak up and let the chips fall will they may.

TalkCDL and interviews

TalkCDL is always looking for drivers or anyone that has a trucking story to come on the show. If you are in Florida or are going to be, please message us at or and tell us a little about what you want to talk about. If you cant make it to Florida then message us and let us know a good time to have you call in to a live recording.It will be fun and the whole world will get to hear your story.

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