
Repeat – Would You Stop To Help A Trucker

Would You Stop To Help A Trucker

Would You Stop To Help A Trucker. Well, would you? If you seen a trucker on the side of the road, for whatever reason, would you render help? Would you at least call their company to alert them about the comb-an y truck?

Most would not help. In fact, most don’t even think about it as they drive on by. Here’s another question. Would you help a trucker if you were also a trucker? Would you still help if your company y had a zero tolerance rule that states, “No stopping on the side of the road?” 

We put it to the test. We asked Ruthann if she would help. If you know Ruthann then you should know the answer. We had allot of fun on this episode, please tune in and hear the outcome.

Truckers Bathroom rule

A new law is going into affect. A law was passed that states, all shippers and receivers and anyone receiving a load from a trucker, must give him access to their bathroom. 

You would think this is common sense, right? Well guess again. People are in need of being told to be hospitable. Imagine that. Would You Stop To Help A Trucker

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