
Drive Monkey Drive

Drive Monkey Drive

Drive Monkey Drive. Autonomous maker Locomotion is teaming up with Stevens Trucking of Oklahoma. Steven has plans to acquire up to 500 autonomous rigs. Although fully autonomous vehicles will not be out for a few years to come. Stevens allegedly will have a pilot program some time in 2023.

The Autonomous Relay Convoy or ARC systems allows two vehicles to operate together at the same time.This is done by tethering the vehicles together. What this means is, a lead driver inside truck number one, will be awake and in the drivers seat. The lead truck will be controlling the trailing vehicle. This will allow the driver in truck number 2, to get sleep, awaiting his turn to drive.

I don’t know about you but taking a nap, inside a vehicle that no one is driving. Doesn’t sound like the safest way to travel. I believe my sleep could possibly be interrupted by the nightmare of crashing, due to, maybe, a recall on the chip thats controlling the rig. Im just not convinced that most drivers can even get well deserved rest while another machine is controlling the vehicle Im suppose to be sleeping in, while it is in an entire different vehicle. Good luck finding this many drivers to be the test monkeys.

Drive Monkey Drive

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