
If You Believe The Rich Man

If You Believe The Rich Man

If You Believe The Rich Man. Did you know that autonomous trucks are a real thing? They are putting in self operating fuel stops for driverless semi trucks. Of course there is a driver in the truck. A driver that is helping take away future jobs of other truckers.

It’s no different than the kiosks at McDonald’s. You walk in for a Big Mac and Fries and you put the order in yourself. By the way, McDonald’s had their workers training customers for the first so many year on how to place order. In a sense they were training customers to do their very own job. Go figure.

This is the way of the rich man. He will stop at nothing to make his profit. Even if it means getting rid of human workers. Someone recently wrote, ” Some day our grand children will ask, what’s a truck driver”? You might think I’m a conspiracy theorist but mark my words, it’s coming.

Trucker Runs Over Man Sleeping Under His Parked Rig

A truck driver parked in Nashville Tennessee, accidentally killed a man when his semi truck ran over him. The driver who is not named, was parked in Nashville in the early hours of the morning. He pulled out and said he felt a bump. After getting to investigate, he discovered a man diseased under his truck.

Opinion: A pre-trip inspection should have revealed the man sleeping under the truck. Police theorized the man crawled under the truck and did not wake up when the rig was pulling forward. This driver might be in trouble, based on whether he did or did not do his walk-around. If You Believe The Rich Man

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