
NEO Secret Trucker

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast
TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn’t just our claim but yours also.

NEO Secret trucker. Have you ever heard of a trucking job that involved guns and a badge? We interviewed a trucker that has a top secret trucking job. His job involves trucking across america with a team partner. He is not allowed to post any pictures of his truck or himself in his uniform on any social media pages. It is mandatory that he carriers a sidearm and a rifle in his semi cab. The truck has bullet proof glass and the windows only go down about 3 inches. The job requires their drivers to stay on the road for at least 5 weeks at a time. We are not allowed to mention the company name and the identification of the driver was not allowed to be given out. This is one of those trucking jobs that require allot from their drivers but the rewards are very fruitful. This job has a salary of $80K to $100K per year and the trucks that are assigned to their drivers are Peterbilt 389’s. This is just one of those jobs you hear about on the CB that everyone knows everything about it but they really know nothing about it.

Qualifying for this job.

In order to be considered you must have at least 24 months experience with a semi truck. You just have a clean record and you must have good references. This company only hires the best. That is if you can find out who they are and where they are located. They are so secret that we were not given the information needed to apply with them. The company does not allow dash cams being the customers they haul to forbids the recording of anything on their high clearance properties.

New social media pages

TalkCDL has started a few new social media pages. Check out our new cooking channel “Foodies by TalkCDL”. We encourage drivers and anyone that likes to cook to send in a video of themselves cooking. We will edit it and post it. Also check out Troys new page “Troy from TalkCDL” or Ruthanns new page “Ruthann from TalkCDL”.

NEO Secret Trucker

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