
Something’s Happening In the Trucking Industry

Something's Happening In the Trucking Industry

Something’s Happening In the Trucking Industry. The perfect storm is happening right now in trucking. Freight rates are down, fuel prices are up not to mention the supply shortages. On top of all that, brokers are getting rich.

A while back, truck drivers and assembly line workers, were paid to stay home. While they were sitting at home, a void was created. During this void, greedy men stepped in to seize opportunity while freight rates were at an all time high. Fuel was cheap and life was good.

Flash forward 2 years and the truckers that sat home for this period, were coming back. Fuel was climbing at record highs at a crazy fast pace. Rates went down and supply shortages created what we are living today.

Brokers do not care whether a truck driver makes money or not. They will off the freight as low as they can get it. Mix this all up with everything else and you have the perfect storm. It does not appear to be sunny up ahead either.

Something’s Happening In the Trucking Industry

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