
Trucker Sues Company & Tesla Driver Killed

TRUCKERS BECOMING HUMAN TRAFFIC All about Trucking Tesla Driver Killed Trucker Sues Company. A Tesla driver was killed when a tractor trailer pulled out in front of him. He had just activated the auto pilot ten seconds prior to the collision. Questions will be raised from this accident. Is there a time laps from the rush of the button…

trucking Company in Trouble

TRUCKERS BECOMING HUMAN TRAFFIC All about Trucking Weed for Truckers Trucking Company In Trouble. Tune in and find out what is new when it comes to weed in the trucking industry. Find out why a Trucking Company is in Trouble

Trucking News with Ruthann Bad Bridges

TRUCKERS BECOMING HUMAN TRAFFIC All about Trucking Trucking News with Ruthann Human Trafficking TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also. Trucking NewsTalkCDL is now getting our emails at Troy at Talk CDL . c o m or Ruthann at talk cdl . c o m haha email us.…

Trucking News with Ruthann Legal Weed

TRUCKERS BECOMING HUMAN TRAFFIC All about Trucking Trucking News with Ruthann Legal Weed. Yes pot is legal in many states and will keep growing, pardon the pun. Weed is being smoked now by everyone that has been in hiding for the last century but in trucking its a different story. Going to the local mini mart in the morning…

Trucking-News with Ruthann – Ice in the South

POLITICS & TRUCKERS - SEMI TRUCK SMOKE STACKS Trucking-New with Ruthann - Ice In The South Trucking-New With Ruthann - Truckers all 4 wheelers were made subject to a very bad slippery storm. Most parts of North Carolina had to deal with snow and ice covered roads. In the south the snow removal has been traditionally par at best. With snow and ice…

Trucker Sentenced to Prison – Up a Creek

POLITICS & TRUCKERS - SEMI TRUCK SMOKE STACKS Trucker Sentenced to Prison - Up a Creek A Trucking Company owner is on his way to jail after a major accident. A carrier has lied about about a hazmat load which is the cause of a huge wreck that destroyed much. Crime does not pay when you get caught trying to scam everyone. Also…

Trucking-News with Ruthann – Dumb Criminals

Trucking-News with Ruthann - Dumb Criminals Trucking-News with Ruthann - Dumb Criminals Trucking-News with Ruthann - Dumb Criminals is exactly what it sounds like. Criminals these days are just not the brightest people in the world. A man that attacked Trucker Amos bragged about it the night he did it. Have you ever wondered why someone would commit a crime and…

Trucking Etiquette & Pet Peeves

Trucking Etiquette & Pet Peeves Trucking Etiquette & Pet Peeves Trucking Etiquette & Pet Peeves. Is trucking etiquette missing from trucking today? What are some pet peeves that drivers have? Recently I read a post on Facebook by a trucker that listed companies that made sense. Are you trucking on the highways today? Do you move over for broke down…

Brotherhood of Trucking!

POLITICS & TRUCKERS - SEMI TRUCK SMOKE STACKS Brotherhood of Trucking What is the Brotherhood of Trucking? Is there such a thing? Does the Brotherhood of Trucking really exist? Truck drivers can't agree on what truck is the best one to drive. So how will they agree on banding together for a greater cause than themselves. So how can we get truckers together…

Trucking-News with Ruthann New Per Diem & Carl

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast Trucking-News with Ruthann There is Trucking-News you will want to hear this week! This week we talked about Carl on the television show :Survivor". Is Carl still on the show or did he get terminated? Survivor is a show on CBS that plays every Wednesday at 8PM Central time. Carl is the first Trucker to…

Six Accidents/Incidents – Getting Unstuck in Snow

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast A trucker once told me he had Six Accidents/Incidents but what is an accident and what is an incident? Would six be considered many or a small amount? Getting a job once you are plagued with these annoying little warts can make getting a job very hard. Even though most of the incidents are not…

CB Radio Old Codes and Lingo, When you need to know!

CB Radio Old Codes and Lingo CB Radio codes have been long forgotten. Before just knowing the lingo a trucker had to know the cb codes i he was going to talk on the radio. When carrying a CB in your truck you lesson the chances of being robbed, beat up or worse yet killed.…