
Trucker Overtime Pay Coming

Trucking Overtime Pay Coming

Trucker Overtime Pay Coming. It seems truckers and waitresses are the last people in the world to be paid right. While waitresses are clearly paid under minimum wage. A truck driver is ripped off in a different way. He works normally by the mile. Then he is asked to do more, from counting freight, to sitting and guarding a load till a receiver takes it. Most don’t realize how much work a trucker does for nothing. Tune in and hear Troy and Ruthann fight for truckers. Trucker Overtime Pay Coming

  • TAB Bank – Helping Truckers with Money for a long time
  • Drivewyze – The easiest way to bypass Weigh Scales on the market
  • NCI Trucking – One of the best carriers looking for drivers for company drivers and lease drivers
  • Truck Parking Club – When you need a parking space for that Big Rig, Truck Parking Club has you resting in seconds
  • Carter Lumber Local Trucking Jobs – Employing Truckers that want to be home every Day

Its 2025 The Year We turn Around

A few years ago I sat with an expert in the industry. A broker but a friend also. He told me 2025 would be the year we start seeing normality in trucking. It turns out he may just be right. The industry is turning and it might just be huge very soon. So, sit back drivers, you’re about more freight than you can handle. Im sure this is something you are going to welcome.

I got sick of delivering the grim news of the freight recession. Now I am here to predict better times. Lord willing the United States will prosper and trucking should see it first.

TAB Bank Interview

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