
Trucking-News with Ruthann – Ice in the South


Trucking-New with Ruthann – Ice In The South

Trucking-New With Ruthann – Truckers all 4 wheelers were made subject to a very bad slippery storm. Most parts of North Carolina had to deal with snow and ice covered roads. In the south the snow removal has been traditionally par at best. With snow and ice not being the normal issue, state and local authorities are normally lacking on resources to clear roads. When a storm hits the south (anything below Virginia haha)  it reeks havoc because of low preparations. Snow in the south is like palm trees in the north, they just don’t seem to go together. A total of truckers were killed during this period due to the slick conditions. Troys advice was to watch for a real good snow covered empty parking lot and go in and practice. First build up a low speed and hit your brakes. You will notice if you steer you car right the car will slide left and if you steer left your car will slide right. How can you avoid this? Try hitting those brakes one more time (Low speeds) and then just let off the brakes while in that slide, you will notice you vehicle will start traveling in the directions of your front wheels. The reason for this is when you let off your brake your tires will then start turning and guiding you in the direction it is pointed but if you keep your foot suppressed on the brakes it can only slide.

Trucker Ap “Convoy”

A new way of booking loads is on the market. Truckers especially small trucking companies are able to book loads direct thru the ap “Convoy”. It enables drivers to choose their own loads and verbally become their own dispatcher. No more blaming a trucking company for not getting home. We now can be responsible for our own destination in this trucking world.

Birmingham about to shut down interstates

More Trucking-New With Ruthann – If you are planning on traveling thru Birmingham Al over the next year and a half, you might want to plan it out. Birmingham is going under major changes and the construction is about get real serious. There are many routes to avoid Birmingham is you a trucking from one end of the country to the next. Make sure you are aware of this upcoming change and also notify you dispatcher. This is to start mid to late 2019 be prepared!

When listening to Trucking-News With Ruthann you will hear Food bank in Indiana is asking trucking companies to not throw away your rejected loads. Instead bring them to the food bank and they will give you a credit for a tax right off on donations. The food bank is a very large supplier of foods for those that are less fortunate. Of course make sure with your company, drivers, before you voluntarily donate a rejected pallet or an entire load for that matter!

Trucking-New With Ruthann

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TalkCDL would like to thank everyone for the kind words and emails you send in. We hope that everyone is safe this holiday season. May God bless everyone of you out there. 

If anyone is interested in coming on the show please get in touch with us thru the Facebook page at

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