
Worst Trucker plus A Story to Make You Cry

Worst Trucker plus A Story to Make You Cry

Worst Trucker plus A Story to Make You Cry. We recently sat down with, possibly the worst trucker ever. What we mean by “worst trucker”, we mean worst attitude. Troy say and talked with an entitled driver, that thinks everyone owes him something.

A driver called in on one of the show lines recently to rant about dispatchers and carriers. He went on to express discontent for most trucking companies. He then revealed what Troy thought was the real reason for the call. He said “no one will hire him because he has an abandonment on his record.

He then told us how other carriers are blackballing him. He mentioned two carriers that Troy knows personally. So of course, Troy volunteered to call the companies and find out why these carriers are saying bad things about this disgruntled driver.

So long behold, we got ahold of both of these companies. The first company told us the story behind the bad reference. This reference by the way, is for all carriers that inquire about his driver reference. They went on to tell us how, the driver took his first dispatch, after orientation. Went home with a full load and sat for a week in his home town visiting friends. They then revealed to us how the driver was in an accident while bobtailing around town. This of course added another week to the truck sitting. Not to mention the customer that was waiting for their freight.

At this point the driver was asked to bring a new load straight back to the terminal. I believe the driver figured out the company was most likely going to fire him. So, of course this is where the abandonment came from. Boom, there ya go!

A horror story from a trafficked victim

A story came out of TAT (Truckers Against Trafficking) this week. A woman wrote how she was a victim but not like the kind most think of. She was victimized by her very own daddy. Thats right, her own parent was pimping her out as far back to when she was 5 years old. Tune in and hear this heart breaking story and more.

Worst Trucker plus A Story to Make You Cry

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