
Stories from the road 2 wrecks


STORIES FROM THE ROAD 2 WRECKS. What would you do if you witnessed a tractor-trailer run off the road into some trees? Would you stop and render help? Thats what TalkCDL’s Cody Jackson did. Just outside of St. Louis MO Cody was driving in his semi truck when right in front of him int happened. A semi truck that was traveling in front of him just disappeared. It least that is what Cody’s mind was telling him, or maybe the driver took an exit> Wait a minute Cody thought, there is no exit in this area. So did the driver wreck? Sure enough, thats exactly what happened. A trucker pulling a reefer some how went off the interstate and crashed. So when Cody finally gathered his thoughts he immediately pulled off the side of the road and ran down the bank. He would have to fight his way to get to the semi-truck that was trapped in the trees.

Waiting by his side

Trucker Cody

STORIES FROM THE ROAD 2 WRECKS. When Cody finally got to the cab of the rig he was released to see the driver was alive. Before he got there he thought by the looks of the truck there was no way anyone could have survived the crash but there he was, sitting up and alert. Trapped in the cab, Cody would stay by the drivers side while keeping him awake with questions while staying calm. Cody videoed the event which was met with great reviews of his act of kindness. This was a great example of people coming to the aid of others. Cody Jackson was called a hero by many and well deserved.

Trucker Cody’s Grandfather

Cody told us the story of his grandfather. he told us how he looked up to his grandfather all his life and how his grandfather inspired him. His grandfather was a trucker of course, just like Cody. Sadly Cody’s grandfather is rounding his final mile. He is not well and is not expected to be here much longer. We will update everyone in the near future.

Send us your videos

Send us your videos and we will put them on our Facebook page. TalkCDL pays for videos that are at least 3 minutes long, trucking related and your original video. We pay a percent of the earnings which is usually 40%. Also if you are wanting to be on the show please contact us at Troy

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