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Compilation of Big Rig Wreckers Uprighting Rollovers – TalkCDL
Ever wonder who shows up at the scene of a big rig rollover? Well wonder no more. Here is a compilation of wreckers helping along with the men and woman that work at these horrible accidents. Big Rig! [/spp-transcript] one of the popular wreckers in the industry and can be purchased here! These wreckers […]
Trucking News, Wrecks and Industry Changes with TalkCDL!
Big Daddy and Trucker Home Time!
Cops, Tickets, DOT & more – Getting out of crap!
Too Good To Be True – Truck Drivers Wanted
A True Story: Interview with Mr. Brownstone – Trucking on Heroin!
Semi Truck Found With Tons Of Pot!
San Bernardino: A semi truck was discovered with over 10, 000 pounds of weed while parked at a truck depot. As weird as it may sound there were no arrests made. The pot had a street value of 2.5 million dollars. There is gonna be trouble when the local dealer finds out his weed […]
2,600 Piglets Loose! Semi Accident Closes I-40
2,600 Piglets Loose after Semi-Accident off I-40 Now, I love me some bacon just as much as anyone else out there. heck, I had 4 slices just this morning after our LIVE show. So I cannot help but share this when I see that my future bacon had the potential to be no more. An […]