Trucking News with Ruthann Bad Bridges

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All about Trucking Trucking News with Ruthann Human Trafficking TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also. Trucking NewsTalkCDL is now getting our emails at Troy at Talk CDL . c o m or Ruthann at talk cdl . c o m haha email us.…

Brotherhood of Trucking!

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Brotherhood of Trucking What is the Brotherhood of Trucking? Is there such a thing? Does the Brotherhood of Trucking really exist? Truck drivers can't agree on what truck is the best one to drive. So how will they agree on banding together for a greater cause than themselves. So how can we get truckers together…

Trucking News with Ruthann 8/5/2018

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Trucking News with Ruthann 8/5/2018 Trucking News with Ruthann features Mollie Tibbetts disappearance. CVSA weekly inspection coming up. Trucking New with Ruthann 5/8/2018. Semi Trucks, Truck Drivers and more. Inspection Week - During the week of Aug. 27-31, each state’s commercial motor vehicle law enforcement department may select one day of that week to capture…

Drivers Hurting Their Resumes – Truckers With Attitudes!

Drivers have you ever had a hard time getting a job? Did your trucking school swell your head with statements like "Once you get your Class A Cdl everyone will want you" or "All trucking companies will be kissing your ass once you get your license". Many truck drivers every year ruin their CDL just…