All about Trucking Trucking News with Ruthann Human Trafficking TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn't just our claim but yours also. Trucking NewsTalkCDL is now getting our emails at Troy at Talk CDL . c o m or Ruthann at talk cdl . c o m haha email us.…
Trucking News with Ruthann News with Ruthann. This week Ruthann spoke about ELD's and how they are effecting drivers. Did you know that ELD's although have flaws but could be a good thing? At this time this writer believes they are not so good! Electronic Log Devices have really turned the Trucking Industry upside…
All about Trucking TalkCDL and the Led Pedal Podcast Bruce Outridge Trucking ViewBruce Outridge Trucking View. Troy and Ruthann would like to thank everyone that has taken the time to send TalkCDL mail, pictures, videos and ideas. If you are looking to be on the show please contact us through Facebook at sending us…