
What to do when ELD’s Fail

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast
All about Trucking

Troy’s Suggestion

What to do when ELD’s Fail. On this weeks show Troy suggested before you attempt to drive make sure you notify your company. Ask them to send you a message giving permission to continue driving. If your carrier is not willing to put that in writing you might think twice about moving that rig. Cover you behind drivers in every way you can.

Magna Stop the New truckers Buddy


Have you heard of Magnastop? This new product was invented by a trucker for truckers. If you have ever had the need to slide your tandems just one hole you could have used this tool. A simple hand held peg like tool allows you to slide into the hole you wish to be in. Held in place by a powerful magnet this little tool acts like a spotter every time. Just place magna stop in the desired position after pulling the tandem pin. Climb back in the truck and either back up or pull forward till it stops, its that simple. Mention TalkCDL and receive a discount on your purchase of Magnastop. get one today! What to do when ELD’s Fail

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast

TalkCDL Trucking Podcast
TalKCDL is the Number One Trucking Podcast on planet Earth. This isn’t just our claim but yours also.

TalkCDL is a podcast heard around the world. TalkCDL was created for the trucking industry. If you are a trucker or someone in the trucking industry we would like to interview you. Please contact us at or Please keep sending us those pictures and those videos and we will post them with your name on them.

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