Weekly Wrap Up With Ruthann – Embezzlement & Trucking News

Weekly Wrap up with Ruthann. This week features a big shot who is going to prison for embezzlement at a large trucking company. Plus the rule of D.O.T. Medical cards, do we still have to carry them or did the F.M.C.S.A. get it together for the new system and rules? Woman in Trucking and statistics.…

Trucking News, Wrecks and Industry Changes with TalkCDL!

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Join us as TalkCDL discusses the last week of events in Trucking. This week consists of Teenage Truckers. Should kids straight out of high school be playing the OTR driver? Join us as we break it down. Also, do truckers make good protesters? Source: Overdriver TalkCDL-Facebook TalkCDL weekly wrap-up consists of all past events that…

5/13 Last Week – A week of trucking in a pod!

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http://faceboo.com/talkcdl 5/13 week in review, all Trucking Look Back. From Werner lawsuit to drivers following their GPS till they crash... Check out what happen last week TalkCDL style! Werner Lawsuit GPS blamed for trucker wrecking Drivers need common sense CB radio can and will save your life Accident statistic released by FMCSA and the results…

A True Story: Interview with Mr. Brownstone – Trucking on Heroin!

TalkCDL sat doen in the studio with, for now will call him Mr. Brownstone. Mr. Brownstone is an Over-The-Road Trucker, that recently failed a DOT Drug Screen for Morphine. We talked about his career as a trucker and how he drove across the country while using Heroin. Mr. Brownstone and his girlfriend partied across America…