
Truckers 3rd Lane Violations

Truckers 3rd Land Violations

Truck drivers that run in the 3rd lane are at rick of getting a ticket and a fine. In many states a semi truck is restricted to using the right two lanes only. But there area also many instances where a trucker may use the 3rd lane with out braking the law. Knowing when you can use the 3rd lane by educating yourself will save you money and time. For example most steep mountain climbs will almost all be restricted. The reason behind this of course is due to the fact the most semi trucks can not keep up with the posted speed. In order to keep traffic flowing properly each state will restrict semi trucks from the 3rd lane in order to allow the rest of the traffic flowing. Driving in cities will also restrict truckers from running in the 3rd lane due to the flow of traffic. Most of these area will have posted signs warning the truck driver of which lanes he may travel in so there is normally no excuse to be in the 3rd lane.

Reasons we can be forced to use the 3rd lane

Sometimes we can be forced into the 3rd lane. I have interviewed plenty of of truckers that have been forced into the 3rd lane because of someone cutting them off. Many times I have been told that a trucker has a 3rd lane violation because someone cut in front of him leaving the trucker with no other choice but to swerve into the left lane. Ironically there are many times than none a police officer in the area at the time. How crazy is that? Most cops will not want to hear why you are in the restricted lane but when a car cuts in front of a semi truck and hits its brakes, they leave us no other choice but to save their life by moving over.

On purpose

Truckers 3rd lane violations sometime comes from sheer arrogance. Sometimes we just think to ourselves, “Im gonna take a chance”! Sometimes we think we are going to save time by jumping over to the restricted lane ad tats when it happens. Yeah you know, Johnny Law is lying in wait! Thats when we deserve the ticket. When we feel we are going to rewrite the law we are more than deserving the ticket. The writer himself has taken that chance more times then he should have and I deserved any ticket I would have gotten.

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